Alan Westwood, a member of the band at Selly Oak, died on 15 February 2025. Alan’s funeral will take place on Monday 10 March 2025 at St Mary, Selly Oak. If you would like to ring for the funeral please contact Joanne Goddall.
Alan Westwood, a member of the band at Selly Oak, died on 15 February 2025. Alan’s funeral will take place on Monday 10 March 2025 at St Mary, Selly Oak. If you would like to ring for the funeral please contact Joanne Goddall.
The 137th Henry Johnson Dinner will be held on Saturday 22 February 2025 6.00pm for 6.30pm
Chair: Michael Wilby
Venue: Macdonald Burlington Hotel, 126 New Street, Birmingham, B2 4JQ
Tickets: £47.50 (£35 if aged 18 or under and in full-time education, and also for BUSCR students)
To book: email Clare McArdle
The latest edition of the Guild newsletter is now available, and can be downloaded from the Newsletters page or viewed online here:
Newsletter-51-Q4The latest edition of the Guild newsletter is now available, and can be downloaded from the Newsletters page or viewed online here:
Newsletter-50-Q3-2024The latest edition of the Guild newsletter is now available, and can be downloaded from the Newsletters page or viewed online here:
Newsletter-49-Q2-2024The latest edition of the Guild newsletter is now available, and can be downloaded from the Newsletters page or viewed online here:
Newsletter-48-Q1-2024A report by Kirsty Gifford, with accompanying photographs can now be viewed here.
The latest edition of the Guild newsletter is now available, and can be downloaded from the Newsletters page or viewed online here:
Newsletter-47-Q4-2023100 Club Results
1st No. 18 Alan Cottrell £49.50
2nd No. 74 Clive Day £14.85
3rd No. 24 Peter Bennet £ 4.95
Sheldon Special Practices
Sheldon are still progressing work to their bells and so once again there will be no Special Practice this month. Dependent on the completion of the work, Margaret Burling now envisages that the next special practice might be February 2024.
Guild Newsletter
We’re almost ready to put the next Guild Newsletter together so please give some thought to what you will submit for others to enjoy? The deadline for submissions to Andrew is 20th December. Send articles and photos to Thank you!
Surprise Major Practice
7:30pm 2 December 2023 – Solihull St Alphege
The special method is Glasgow with a focus on going into and out of it in spliced and 4th/6ths place calls. The spliced repertoire could include anything from the Core Seven (Cambridge, Yorkshire, Superlative, Lessness, Bristol, London, Cornwall), Double Norwich, Deva and/or Lancashire. London and Bristol are always rung as single methods.
See below for the proposed changes to these practices in the New Year.
Tidying up Cambridge Minor – Workshop
7:30pm 13 December 2023 – Birmingham St Paul’s
There are a couple of places still available for this workshop if anyone is interested. Please get in touch with Phil Ramsbottom via, if you’d like to come along or would like to know a bit more about the evening.
Midweek Open Ringing
10:15am – 11:45 Thursday 21 December 2023 – Moseley St Mary
All members welcome, ringing from rounds and call changes upwards depending on who attends. Tea/coffee and cakes at half time so please bring a donation with you.
Higher Numbers
7:30pm Wednesday 27 December 2023 – Solihull St Alphege
Last month we met rather short albeit that we had a really productive practice so, with Christmas commitments in mind we would like to ask if you are interested in getting together in Christmas week? We may arrange a quarter peal, most likely Grandsire caters or cinques. If you are interested in joining us can you please let Sand Cooper know via Make it clear what you’d most be interested in and, we’ll see what we can arrange.
Please get these practices into your diaries, they are every 4th Wednesday of the month, we’d love to have your support.
And into the New Year!
Surprise Practice – Entry level
7:30pm Saturday 6 January 2023 – venue TBC
The outline plan for 2024 is to continue with Surprise Major practices on the first Saturday of each month but alternating between entry level (Cambridge, Yorkshire & Superlative as focus methods) and more advanced (Core 7 as minimum plus special methods and spliced). Saturday 6 January will be the first of these and we will start with an entry level practice. More details including location and a sign-up sheet to ensure we have the right sort of number of experienced ringers to support, will follow.
Guild AGM 2024
12:45pm Saturday 13 January 2024 – Coleshill St Peter & St Paul
The 2024 AGM will be at Coleshill. Lunch will be available from 12:45pm and the local team will be offering.
Jacket Potatoes (with a choice of fillings), cake tea/coffee/soft drink for £8
Cake with tea/coffee/soft drink for £4.
The google form for lunch orders can be found at this link and we will need your responses by close Sunday 7th January. AGM 13th January 2023 (
The meeting will start at 1:30pm and general ringing will follow.
The proposed rule changes were shared with members 4th October 2023, drop me a mail at this address if you need me to send a reminder. Agenda and other papers will be shared ahead of the meeting, in the New Year.
Phil Ramsbottom, Ringing Master and Tracy Stevens, Treasurer have decided to stand down and we have already invited nominations for these roles. We are sorry that they feel it is time to move on but understand that they want to encourage others to become involved. We are immensely grateful for all their work with the Guild.
In accordance with rule 3.4 we asked for nominations for these roles by 2nd December 2023 and at the time of writing we have received only nominations from the Standing Committee. Rachel Mitchel has agreed to stand for the position of Guild Ringing Master and if she is successful then we will take nominations from the floor on the day of the meeting, for the role of Public Relations Officer.
Other officers of the Guild have indicated that they are happy to stand again with the exception of James Ramsbottom, one of our CCCBR Representatives who would like to step aside. James, thank you for your hard work in this role. And again, we will seek nominations from the floor if none are received by Sand, Guild Secretary, before the close 2nd December.
Henry Johnson Dinner
6:00pm for 6:30pm Saturday 24 February 2024 – Burlington Hotel, Birmingham
Henry Johnson Dinner 2024: tickets now on sale | (
The dinner will once again be held at the Burlington Hotel. Tickets will be £46.50 and £35 for students in full-time education. Tickets can be booked via this link: – 136th Henry Johnson Commemoration Dinner
Real ale will be available at the venue this time round. There will be a limited number of rooms at a concessionary rate which will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis, which might be helpful if you are looking to stay overnight. To book a room at the Burlington please call 0121 643 9191 and quote GUIL240224. Rooms will be charged at £160 Bed and Breakfast single occupancy and the double occupancy rate will be £175.00. Full pre-payment will be required at the time of booking, all rates are nontransferable and non-refundable. These discounted rooms, if not already snatched up, will only be available until 13th January 2024.
All that is left to say is that we all hope you will have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year and enjoy your ringing over the festive season.
The 136th Henry Johnson Dinner will be held on Saturday 24 February 2024. Tickets can be booked via this link: – 136th Henry Johnson Commemoration Dinner
6:00pm for 6:30pm
Saturday 24 February 2024
MacDonald Burlington Hotel
Burlington Arcade
126 New Street
B2 4JQ
Tickets £46.50 (£35 if aged 18 or under and in full time education, and also for BUSCR students)
The dinner will once again be held at the Burlington Hotel. Our Chair will be Eleanor Linford. The Black Tie dress code is optional. Real ale will be available at the venue.
There will be a limited number of rooms at a concessionary rate which will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. To book a room at the Burlington please call 0121 643 9191 and quote GUIL240224. Rooms will be charged at £160 Bed and Breakfast single occupancy and £175.00 for double occupancy. Full pre-payment will be required at the time of booking, all rates are nontransferable and non-refundable. These discounted rooms, will only be available until 13th January 2024.
Look forward to seeing you there!
Buckle up for this month’s Guild updates which includes information relating to the Guild AGM in January and the Henry Johnson Dinner in February.
Firstly though, thank you to everyone that supported and ran towers for the City Centre Ring and to Phil for his arrangements. A huge success! We’ll include an article in the next Guild Newsletter.
100 Club results
The results for October’s 100 Club:
1st No. 96 David Ingram £49.00
2nd.No. 97 Rebekah Horton £14.70
3rd No. 86 Angie Wakefield £4.90
Guild Newsletter
As you know, we’re always looking for your news about what’s going on in your patch. Don’t wait for the next deadline, get your updates written and photos submitted while events are fresh in your mind. So, if you have anything to share, please forward it to Andrew via Much appreciated.
Peal Boards Project – Request for photos from Guild towers
Richard Andrew is working with the Central Council’s Historical & Archive workgroup (H&A) who in turn are working on a project to record as many photos as possible of peal boards from around the UK and also from abroad, and then load them to the Peal Boards section of the H&A workgroup’s historical database, which can be found via the following link: –
We’d love St Martin’s Guild to lead the way on this, with Guild members submitting photos of all the peal boards at the towers that we ring at. If you would like to offer to get involved, please contact via the project email address: – . You can send photos to this address or submit direct to BellBoard through the ‘Add photo’ option from the main menu on the left, but remembering to tick the box to ‘Allow sharing with the Central Council’s peal board database’. The team will then be able to view and load them to the H&A workgroup’s historical database.
ART Awards
Do you know someone who’s making a difference and making things happen? Then don’t be shy. Say thank-you by nominating them for an award, and if they win, they’ll receive a substantial cash prize to spend on a ringing related activity or product.
It doesn’t matter if they are an ART Member or have never even heard of ART, anyone can apply, anyone can be nominated and anyone can win. If you already have someone in mind, then fly over to: and download an application form. You have until 31 December 2023 to get your nomination in
Sheldon Special Practices
As Sheldon are due to have their clappers rebushed in mid-November, there are no plans for a Special Practice this month. Dependent on the completion of the work, Margaret Burling envisages that the next one could be January 2024.
Upcoming Events
Surprise Practice
7:30pm Saturday 4th November – Edgbaston St Bartholomew
The special method will be Glasgow. The spliced repertoire could include anything from the Core Seven (Cambridge, Yorkshire, Superlative, Lessness, Bristol, London, Cornwall), Double Norwich, Deva, Lancashire and/or Glasgow. London and Bristol are always rung as single methods.
Basic 6 Bell Theory Workshop
7:30pm Wednesday 8th November – online session
Separate mail sent from the Mojo workshop email group. Please get in touch if you’d like to come along or would like to know a bit more about the evening. Phil Ramsbottom via
Midweek Open Ringing
10:15am – 11:45 Thursday 16th November – Moseley St Mary
All members welcome, ringing from rounds and call changes upwards depending on who attends. Tea/coffee and cakes at half time so please bring a donation with you.
Higher Numbers practice
7:30pm Wednesday 22nd November – Solihull
All welcome, come and explore ringing on 10+ with lots of support for those less experienced. At last month’s practice, amongst others we managed to get to Little Bob Royal, Erin Cinques and Grandsire Cinques. Simon Linford has very kindly agreed to look after us this time round.
Connections, or ‘if you can ring that then try this’ – Workshop
7:30pm Wednesday 22nd November – online session
Separate mail sent from the Mojo workshop email group. Please get in touch if you’d like to come along or would like to know a bit more about the evening.
Surprise Practice
7:30pm Saturday 2nd December – Solihull CARE – note the change of location for this practice
The special method will be Glasgow. The spliced repertoire could include anything from the Core Seven (Cambridge, Yorkshire, Superlative, Lessness, Bristol, London, Cornwall), Double Norwich, Deva, Lancashire and/or Glasgow. London and Bristol are always rung as single methods.
Looking slightly further ahead…
Guild AGM
Afternoon of Saturday 13th January 2024 – Coleshill
The meeting will be held during the afternoon at Coleshill with a light lunch, meeting and open ringing. Further details to follow.
The proposed rule changes were shared with members 4th October 2023, drop me a mail at this address if you need me to send a reminder.
We have two Officers of the Guild standing down this year Phil Ramsbottom, Ringing Master and Tracy Stevens, Treasurer. We are sorry that they feel it is time to move on but understand that they want to encourage others to become involved. We are immensely grateful for all their work with the Guild.
If you have any nominations for these roles, please let me have them at this email address by 2nd December 2023 in accordance with rule 3.4.
Henry Johnson Dinner
Saturday 24th February 2024 – Burlington Hotel, Birmingham
The dinner will once again be held at the Burlington Hotel. Tickets will be £46.50 and £35 for students in full-time education. Tickets will be available online as last year and, we will share details very soon. Real ale will be available at the venue this time round. There will be a limited number of rooms at a concessionary rate which will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis, which might be helpful if you are looking to stay overnight.
To book a room at the Burlington please call 0121 643 9191 and quote GUIL240224. Rooms will be charged at £160 Bed and Breakfast single occupancy and the double occupancy rate will be £175.00. Full pre-payment will be required at the time of booking, all rates are nontransferable and non-refundable. These discounted rooms, if not already snatched up, will only be available until 13th January 2024.
The latest edition of the Guild newsletter is now available, and can be downloaded from the Newsletters page or viewed online here:
Newsletter-46-Q3-2023Surprise Ringing
Saturday 7th October – Edgbaston St Bartholomew
Eleanor is now arranging quarter peals with 5:30pm and 7:00pm starts focusing on London, Bristol, Lessness and Cornwall as single methods and spliced if there is sufficient interest. Please contact her at if you are would like to be involved in future months.
Kent Treble Bob Minor Workshop
7:30pm Wednesday 11th October – Birmingham St Paul’s
A theory and practical workshop on ringing touches of Kent TB minor. Please get in touch if you’d like to come along or would like to know a bit more about the evening. Phil Ramsbottom via
City Centre Tower Open Day
Saturday 14th October
Ringing in the afternoon 1:30pm St. Chad’s RC Cathedral, 2:30pm St. Martin’s in the Bull Ring and 4:15pm St. Paul’s in the Jewelry Quarter. All members are welcome as are more recent learners and recruits, with plenty of experience on hand to help in whatever way necessary. There is also a socialising opportunity for all ages in The Bull afterwards from 5:30pm. Any non Guild members interested in coming are asked to contact Phil Ramsbottom via
Special Practice
7:30pm – 9:00pm Wednesday 18 October – Sheldon
Treble Bob Hunt Minor and Forward Minor. (Possibly as preparation for Kent Treble Bob Minor.)
If you are interested in attending this workshop or are able to help out, please contact Margaret Burling via
Midweek Open Ringing
10:15am – 11:45am Thursday 19th October – Moseley St Mary
All members welcome, ringing from rounds and call changes upwards depending on who attends. Tea/coffee and cakes at half time, bring some pennies!
Higher Numbers practice
7:30pm Wednesday 25th October – Solihull
All welcome, come and explore ringing on 10+ with lots of support for those less experienced.
Cambridge Minor Workshop
7:30pm Wednesday 25th October – Birmingham St Paul’s
Tidying up Cambridge minor is the theme for this theory and practical workshop. If you’re not quite solid with Cambridge, then this is for you, so please get in touch and come along. Phil Ramsbottom via
Looking slightly further ahead…
Guild AGM
Saturday 13th January 2024
The time and location of the meeting will be shared soon but, in the meantime please mark your calendars ready.
100 Club results
The results for September were previously advised but in case you missed them…
1st No. 27 Jen Hickman £49.00
2nd No. 95 Paul Bibilo £14.70
3rd No. 50 Tracy Stevens £4.90
Guild Newsletter
Sadly, you’ve missed the deadline for the next edition which will be with you soon but, Andrew is always happy to receive material for future editions. So, if you have anything to share please forward it to Andrew via
The latest edition of the Guild newsletter is now available, and can be downloaded from the Newsletters page or viewed online here:
Newsletter-45-Q2-2023The latest edition of the Guild newsletter is now available, and can be downloaded from the Newsletters page or viewed online here:
Newsletter-44-Q1-2023A report of the 2023 Henry Johnson Dinner, written by Sand Cooper, can be viewed here.
The latest edition of the Guild newsletter is now available, and can be downloaded from the Newsletters page or viewed online here:
Newsletter-43-Q4-2022.pdfThe funeral to celebrate their lives will be held on Tuesday 21 February 2023. There will be a church service at St Mary’s, Selly Oak at 11.00am. The bells will be rung both before and after the service. A joint burial will take place at Primrose Meadows, Kings Norton at 12.30pm for close family and afterwards, everyone is welcome to join the family at Kings Norton Golf Club for a light lunch and to share memories.
The family have requested that donations are made in lieu of flowers and the chosen charities are British Heart Foundation and RSPB.
The family invite you to wear mauve (Olive’s favourite colour) or any other bright colour.
I am sorry to report the death of Muriel Higgs. Muriel learnt to ring at St Paul’s, Birmingham and later rang at St Edburgha, Yardley, she was elected to the Guild in 2007. Muriel died peacefully at the age of 92 on Thursday, 5th January.
Please keep Muriel’s family and friends in your thoughts.
The 135th Henry Johnson Commemoration Dinner will be held at The Horton Suite, MacDonald Burlington Hotel, Birmingham, B2 4JQ, 6:00pm for 6:30pm. The Chair will be Julia Cater.
Tickets are priced at £45 (£35 for those in full time education). For tickets, please follow this link.
The Guild Annual General Meeting will be on Saturday 7th January 2023 at St Mary’s, Moseley. We will meet from 12.45pm for lunch with a 1.30pm start time for the meeting. General ringing will follow.
All Officers and Officials are elected at the AGM. As you may be aware the Master, Secretary and Public Relations Officer will be standing down at the AGM. John Anderson also intends to stand down as one of our two General Fund Trustees. The position of Henry Johnson Dinner Secretary remains vacant. If you would like to know more about these posts, or any other position, then please do get in touch with me.
We’re hoping many of you will be able to attend. Please could we ask you to complete this simple Google form by December 31st so we know numbers for lunch:
This year’s Guild Outing is a trip to Leicester on Saturday 26 November 2022. All are welcome. If you have not done so yet, please can you complete this simple form if you are intending to come: (this won’t commit you, but it outlines those interested in hearing more information!)
The latest edition of the Guild newsletter is now available, and can be downloaded from the Newsletters page or viewed online here:
Newsletter-42-Q3-2022This guidance sets out the how bell ringing plays its part throughout the process and has been formulated in consultation with The Royal Household and Lambeth Palace.
The Royal Household have advised that bells may be rung or tolled for one hour at 12.00 on Friday 9 September 2022.
As with most national/international bell ringing requests, local arrangements with church, council and public plans should be consulted and ringing should take place whenever is most appropriate for a local arrangement. It is recommended that bell ringers liaise with their church authorities when planning their ringing.
Bells should be rung half or fully muffled depending on how many muffles you have. If you have enough muffles it would be appropriate to ring fully muffled with the tenor backstroke open.
The latest edition of the Guild newsletter is now available, and can be downloaded from the Newsletters page or viewed online here:
Newsletter-41-Q2-2022The Guild walking tour will take place this year on 9 July 2022, based in the Clent/Stourbridge area. The plan for the day is based on the first walking tour that we did in 2015, with the same towers but in reverse order. If you think you might be interested in joining the tour, please register an interest with Mike Dodson. If you need Mike’s email address, please contact the Guild Officers.
Mike will add your name to a separate distribution list which he will use for future communication with participants about the arrangements. There is no need for a firm commitment at this stage. Later on, the detailed programme for the day will be sent out using this distribution list, and most importantly the lunch menu options, which must be booked in advance.
We hope you are able to join us for what is always a highlight of the Guild calendar.
Have you planned any ringing at your tower for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee?
We are intending to write to Buckingham Palace to let Her Majesty know about celebratory ringing taking place by members of the St Martin’s Guild over the 4-day Bank Holiday weekend.
Things to ring for:
Thursday 2 June, 9.45 pm – Beacon lighting. The Lord Mayor will be lighting a beacon, one of a chain spanning the Commonwealth, in Birmingham.
Friday 3 June, 11.30 – Service of Thanksgiving at St Paul’s Cathedral.
Of course, you can ring at any other time during the celebratory weekend, and we’re sure you will.
A Bellboard link has been set up for bands to record their performances and you can download a certificate recording your ringing which you can display in your tower. You can find the cccbr advice, with those links here
We have deliberately not planned any Guild events as we feel that this is something that people will want to do in their own local areas with their local bands. However, if you need some extra ringers for your event, please let the officers know and, although we can’t promise whole bands, we can certainly send out requests via the group email list.
Don’t forget to let us know what you are planning!
The latest edition of the Guild newsletter is now available, and can be downloaded from the Newsletters page or viewed online here:
Newsletter-40-Q1-2022The latest edition of the Guild newsletter is now available, and can be downloaded from the Newsletters page or viewed online here:
Newsletter-39-Q4-2021Macdonald Burlington Hotel,
Burlington Arcade,
126 New Street,
Birmingham, B2 4JQ
Saturday 26 February 2022, 6.00 for 6.45 pm
Tickets are now on sale for the Henry Johnson Dinner. The dinner is being held at the Horton Suite at the Burlington Hotel, with Janet and Steve Horton in the chair. At this year’s dinner we will be remembering Andrew Stubbs – the first opportunity we have had to do so.
The Horton Suite (a happy coincidence) is a large function room with access to a bar area immediately outside the room. The menu will be a set three course dinner with options on the booking form to indicate dietary requirements.
The hotel is in the centre of Birmingham and has good access by public transport. The hotel does not have its own car park, but has an arrangement with two car parks for reduced parking fees. Please see the hotel website for more details.
As advertised in Ringing World the booking system has now opened. Tickets are now on sale through eventbrite @ £40 (£30 if aged 18 or under and in full time education, and also for BUSCR students).
To attend this event please book through the link: Eventbrite requires payment by transfer or through PayPal. If you wish to pay by cheque, please email for a ticket at and we will send the Treasurer’s address for you to post the cheque to.
Please note, the closing date for purchasing tickets is Saturday 12 February.
COVID is still very much a presence at the time of writing. Please note that if the dinner is cancelled due to COVID then a full ticket refund, minus the booking fee, will be offered.
If a ticket holder is contacted by test and trace and advised to isolate or limit contact and cannot attend the dinner, then the same refund offer will apply.
Please note that the St Martin’s Guild AGM 2022 will still take place on Saturday 8 January 2022 but will instead begin at 10am and will be an online meeting.
The link and papers will be sent a couple of days before the meeting.
You will be aware that the Government has recently implemented Plan B, which brings in new guidelines for activities within indoor venues.
The guidance is available here: Covid Plan B – England – CCCBR
We encourage all members to read the updated guidance and proactively engage in conversations with their church officials.
The 2022 AGM will be held in person at St Mary’s, Moseley on Saturday 8 January 2022. The meeting will begin at 1pm, with lunch and ringing to follow.
Nomination of Officers:
Nominations for Guild Office are invited and must be with the Secretary by the 27 November 2021. Jenny Sunter has indicated that 2022 will be her last as Henry Johnson Dinner Secretary; we are grateful for all of the hard work Jenny has put in for a number of years of highly successful dinners. We are now therefore proactively seeking someone interested in taking on this position.
All other officers and officials have indicated a willingness to stand for re-election. However, all posts are for election and if you are interested in finding out more about any of the positions please do get in touch. Further details are available here:
New members:
If you would like to nominate any members to the Guild, please contact the Secretary for a Membership Form. This will need to be returned to the Secretary at least three days prior to the AGM. All new members require a proposer and a seconder.
When and where?
Saturday 4 December 2021 from 2.30pm at Sheldon
An enjoyable and light-hearted afternoon focused on challenges linked to the foundation skills of ringing. Details to be confirmed, but there will be something for everyone. Teams will be formed on the day. Refreshments will be available too, so this will be an opportunity to socialise with other ringers from the Guild.
More details to follow, but please make sure this is in your diary and that you talk to others in your tower about coming along!
The latest edition of the Guild newsletter is now available, and can be downloaded from the Newsletters page or viewed online here:
Newsletter-38-Q3-2021We are keen to draw your attention to the formation of a new association – the Young Change Ringers Association (YCRA). The association has been set up to support and mentor young ringers: it is non-territorial and open to anyone young enough to handle a bell up to the age of 30. They aim to be an association for young ringers, by young ringers. There is a mentoring scheme whereby “older” members will mentor younger members (by old, we mean those members up to the age of 30!). Their website is here:
If you are a young ringer, or know a young ringer, we’d like to encourage you to look further into the YCRA and consider joining. There is a subscription cost of £15 per year. However, the Guild would not want money to be a barrier to anyone joining so please speak to one of the officers and we would hope to be able to offer a subsidy to young people who may otherwise struggle to join. All such requests will be dealt with sensitively and confidentially.
We hope many young people will consider joining this exciting venture.
Please find below a message advertising the ART Conference on 7-8 May 2022 – very local to us! Also note that the invite is for all: ART supporters and sceptics alike:
Dear Fellow Ringers,
In May 2022, the Association of Ringing Teachers will be holding their annual conference in your part of the country and I’m writing to let you know of our plans.
It is being held on Saturday 7th May at the Erdington Academy in Birmingham. Transport links are excellent as the Academy can be found within 1 mile off junction 6 of the M6. The conference is later in the year than usual in order to minimise the risk the event has to be cancelled due to a winter Covid-19 surge. In a break with tradition, the conference will be separate from the AGM, which will be held online on Saturday 5 March.
The second day of the conference weekend, the 8th, will be hosted by the Stewardship and Management Workgroup of the CCCBR. Through the leadership of Alison Hodge, this workgroup offer advice and guidance on matters including insurance, tower management, risk assessment, church law, health and safety, etc.
I thought it was important to emphasis the conference is open to anyone irrespective of ART Membership or even if they are an ART supporter or sceptic. We aren’t talking about ART, we’re talking about ringing – sharing what other people are doing and talking about topical events. People are welcome to attend both or just one of the days.
We are currently finalising the content and will send further details closer to the date.
If you need any further information, please let me know.
Kind regards
Annie Hall
The latest edition of the Guild newsletter is now available, and can be downloaded from the Newsletters page or viewed online here:
Newsletter-37-Q2-2021Please see below upcoming events. Please note there are changes of dates to both events, so update your diaries carefully!
Summer Treasure Hunt – Saturday 24 July 2021, 10.30am start
In place of the usual walking tour, we are organising a Treasure Hunt around Sutton Coldfield in small groups. Note the change of date from the usual walking tour. The hunt will end in Sutton Park, where groups can bring their own picnic lunch to enjoy. The event will follow relevant Covid-19 guidelines, as you’d expect. There will be a small entry fee of £1 to cover the cost of the Treasure Hunt.
Sign up here: by Saturday 10th July
October meeting – Saturday 9 October 2021, 10am
Please note the new date for this. Details tbc, but we are hoping this will be an event we can hold in person.
January 2022 AGM
A long way off, but advance notice that the AGM will be on Saturday 8th January 2022. Again, we are planning and hoping for this to be an event we can hold in person.
On Saturday 19 June 2021 at 10:15am we will host an informal presentation and discussion about the personal benefits gained by organising your own ringing sessions, be they practices, workshops or whatever, along with a few dos and don’ts as to how to go about arranging them. The Three Events Challenge is a scheme devised to encourage more of this type of activity within the Guild.
If you’d like to join us and have not received a Zoom link please email us.
Future dates…
Saturday 26 June 2021 at 10:15am: Online session – Twin-hunt Triples methods (other than Grandsire)
Saturday 3 July 2021 at 10:15am: Online session – Ringing by the treble
Saturday 10 July 2021 at 10:15am: Online session – Doubles without dodges
Saturday 17 July 2021 at 10am: Guild Summer Social event
Wednesday 12 May 2021 at 7pm, sees our final SMG Online Session of the season. Arthur Reeves will be looking at the difference between teaching and learning: why both teaching and learning is so challenging, how to conduct feedback effectively and how to assess whether someone has learnt what we intended them to. He will make many links between recent educational research and ringing, though note this is not a talk explicitly about how to teach practical ringing or theory.
If you’d like to join us and have not received a Zoom link please email us.
Future dates…
Wednesday 12 May 2021 at 7pm: Arthur Reeves: ‘How can we be the best teachers for our students?’
Saturday 15 May 2021 at 10am: Guild Business Meeting (online) and Training Day
Saturday 17 July 2021 at 10am: Guild Summer Social event
Join us for a day of varied ringing-related activities on Saturday 15 May 2021. Events begin at 10am with our May Business Meeting which will include the voting and results of our 2021 Bake Off Contest: who will win the coveted ‘Star Baker’ apron this year?
The Business Meeting will be followed by the St Martin’s Guild Online Training Day programme. Individuals can drop into as little or as much of the day as they would like, but please register your interest in sessions by signing up via the following link:
On Wednesday 5 May 2021 at 7pm, Rowena and Steve and Rowena Shipley will be giving us an insight into the activities of The Handbell Ringers of Great Britain: a national organisation with the aim ‘to advance, provide and encourage for the public benefit the art of handbell tune ringing in all its forms’.
If you’d like to join us and have not received a Zoom link please email us.
Future dates…
Wednesday 5 May 2021 at 7pm: Rowena and Steve Shipley: Introducing the Handbell Ringers of Great Britain
Wednesday 12 May 2021 at 7pm: Arthur Reeves: ‘How can we be the best teachers for our students?’
Saturday 15 May 2021 at 10am: Guild Business Meeting (online) and Training Day
Saturday 17 July 2021 at 10am: Guild Summer Social event
On Wednesday 28 April 2021 at 7pm, Chris Pickford will be discussing the history and development of Birmingham’s lost bell foundries.
If you’d like to join us and have not received a Zoom link please email us.
Future dates…
Wednesday 28 April 2021 at 7pm: Chris Pickford: The bellfoundries of Birmingham
Wednesday 5 May 2021 at 7pm: Rowena and Steve Shipley: Introducing the Handbell Ringers of Great Britain
Wednesday 12 May 2021 at 7pm: Arthur Reeves: ‘How can we be the best teachers for our students?’
Saturday 15 May 2021 at 10am: Guild Business Meeting (online) and Training Day
Saturday 17 July 2021 at 10am: Guild Summer Social event
The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers (CCCBR) have published draft guidance for the period from 17 May to 21 June 2021 to enable ringers in England at least to plan for the next phase of lockdown release. This guidance has been agreed with the House of Bishops Recovery Group, but it remains in draft form until the Government finally confirms that its four tests have been met immediately prior to 17 May 2021. The guidance is a major step change from previous guidance.
There are two new documents on the Covid guidance pages of the Council website. The first is one specifically covering this five-week guidance period, and then an update of the guidance note about individual risks.
The key points of the guidance are that:
Please do read all of the two guidance documents as there is much more detail in them, and this is just a summary.
On Wednesday 21 April 2021 at 7pm, Tom Westley will be joining us to discuss bell casting. We’re looking forward to learning more about this wonderful craft!
If you’d like to join us and have not received a Zoom link please email us.
Future dates…
Wednesday 21 April 2021 at 7pm: Tom Westley: Bell Casting
Wednesday 28 April 2021 at 7pm: Chris Pickford: The bellfoundries of Birmingham
Wednesday 5 May 2021 at 7pm: Rowena and Steve Shipley: Introducing the Handbell Ringers of Great Britain
Wednesday 12 May 2021 at 7pm: Arthur Reeves: ‘How can we be the best teachers for our students?’
Saturday 15 May 2021 at 10am: Guild Business Meeting (online)
Saturday 17 July 2021 at 10am: Guild Summer Social event
The programme for our remaining Wednesday evening talks can be found here:
Talks are currently planned until 19 May 2021. With the hopeful return of ringing, we will end this series of online talks then. Guild officers will obviously review the national situation carefully. We can certainly see a place for online talks moving forward (and their frequency will depend on the national situation).
A reminder that Saturday 15 May 2021 is a day of workshops focused on preparing for a return to ringing. The schedule is almost ready to share, but please do complete this online form before April 25th:
Thanks for your support of the online programme over the last 12 months.
Future dates…
Wednesday 21 April 2021 at 7pm: Tom Westley: Bell Casting
Wednesday 28 April 2021 at 7pm: Chris Pickford: The bellfoundries of Birmingham
Wednesday 5 May 2021 at 7pm: Rowena and Steve Shipley: Introducing the Handbell Ringers of Great Britain
Wednesday 12 May 2021 at 7pm: Arthur Reeves: ‘How can we be the best teachers for our students?’
Saturday 15 May 2021 at 10am: Guild Business Meeting (online)
Saturday 17 July 2021 at 10am: Guild Summer Social event
The latest edition of the Guild newsletter is now available, and can be downloaded from the Newsletters page or viewed online here:
Newsletter-36-Q1-2021On Wednesday 14 April 2021 at 7pm, David Hull will explore the links between change-ringing and music. David’s talk will focus on how the unique music created by change-ringing relates to more common forms of music, and the elements of ringing that are part of a successful musical performance. He’ll also look at some facets of methods and compositions that are used by ringers as measures of musicality.
If you’d like to join us and have not received a Zoom link please email us.
Future dates…
Wednesday 14 April 2021 at 7pm: David Hull: Ringing and Music
Wednesday 21 April 2021 at 7pm: Tom Westley: Bell Casting
Wednesday 28 April 2021 at 7pm: Chris Pickford: The bellfoundries of Birmingham
Wednesday 5 May 2021 at 7pm: Rowena and Steve Shipley: Introducing the Handbell Ringers of Great Britain
Wednesday 12 May 2021 at 7pm: Arthur Reeves: ‘How can we be the best teachers for our students?’
Saturday 15 May 2021 at 10am: Guild Business Meeting (online)
Saturday 17 July 2021 at 10am: Guild Summer Social event
A reminder that we have our Guild Business meeting on Saturday May 15 2021. This will be held online, beginning at 10am. If you wish to consider any new members, please contact the Guild Secretary. A membership form will need completing prior to the meeting. The Zoom link and papers will come out in early May.
The day will also see our annual ‘Bake Off’ and a series of workshops. The focus of the workshops will be preparing a return to ringing and will include sessions on risk assessments and safety checks, exercises to get us back into shape for ringing and how towers could use the BRF – and much more!
More details of the day will come soon, but can we recommend you place in your diaries a provisional booking from 10am-3.30pm. These are opportunities you won’t want to miss!
On Wednesday 31 March 2021 at 7pm, Mark Regan will deliver a talk of intrigue and mystery surrounding the restoration of one of the world’s most famous rings of bells: St Mary-le-Bow, London.
If you’d like to join us and have not received a Zoom link please email us.
Future dates…
Wednesday 31 March 2021 at 7pm: Mark Regan: The bells of Bow
FRIDAY 9 April 2021 at 7pm: Hayley Young and Michael Wilby: Beer tasting online!
Wednesday 14 April 2021 at 7pm: David Hull: Ringing and Music
Wednesday 21 April 2021 at 7pm: Tom Westley: Bell Casting
Wednesday 28 April 2021 at 7pm: Chris Pickford: The bellfoundries of Birmingham
Wednesday 5 May 2021 at 7pm: Rowena and Steve Shipley: Introducing the Handbell Ringers of Great Britain
Wednesday 12 May 2021 at 7pm: Arthur Reeves: ‘How can we be the best teachers for our students?’
Saturday 15 May 2021 at 10am: Guild Business Meeting (online)
Saturday 17 July 2021 at 10am: Guild Summer Social event
On Wednesday 24 March 2021 at 7pm, Graham Firman will join us to introduce you to his creations: Rosie and Richie Robot who along with human friends have rung a quarter peal of Stedman Triples. Rosie Robot even conducted it! Intrigued and want to find out more? Look here:
Even better, come along to our weekly talk on Wednesday. If you’d like to join us and have not received a Zoom link please email us.
Future dates…
Wednesday 24 March 2021 at 7pm: Graham Firman: Rosie and Richie – the ringing robots
Wednesday 31 March 2021 at 7pm: Mark Regan: The bells of Bow
FRIDAY 9 April 2021 at 7pm: Hayley Young and Michael Wilby: Beer tasting online!
Wednesday 14 April 2021 at 7pm: David Hull: Ringing and Music
Wednesday 21 April 2021 at 7pm: Tom Westley: Bell Casting
Wednesday 28 April 2021 at 7pm: Chris Pickford: The bellfoundries of Birmingham
Wednesday 5 May 2021 at 7pm: Rowena and Steve Shipley: Introducing the Handbell Ringers of Great Britain
Wednesday 12 May 2021 at 7pm: Arthur Reeves: ‘How can we be the best teachers for our students?’
Saturday 15 May 2021 at 10am: Guild Business Meeting (online)
Saturday 17 July 2021 at 10am: Guild Summer Social event
On Wednesday 17 March 2021 at 7pm David Bagley will join us to discuss the history of ringing simulators. Ringing simulators are regularly used to support the teaching of ringers. But how did they come about and how have they developed over time? Find this out, and much more, on Wednesday.
If you’d like to join us and have not received a Zoom link please email us.
Future dates…
Wednesday 17 March 2021 at 7pm: David Bagley: The History of Ringing Simulators
Wednesday 24 March 2021 at 7pm: Graham Firman: Rosie and Robbie – the ringing robots
Wednesday 31 March 2021 at 7pm: Mark Regan: The bells of Bow
FRIDAY 9 April 2021 at 7pm: Hayley Young and Michael Wilby: Beer tasting online!
Wednesday 14 April 2021 at 7pm: David Hull: Ringing and Music
Wednesday 21 April 2021 at 7pm: Tom Westley: Bell Casting
Wednesday 28 April 2021 at 7pm: Chris Pickford: The bellfoundries of Birmingham
Wednesday 5 May 2021 at 7pm: Rowena and Steve Shipley: Introducing the Handbell Ringers of Great Britain
Wednesday 12 May 2021 at 7pm: Arthur Reeves: ‘How can we be the best teachers for our students?’
Saturday 15 May 2021 at 10am: Guild Business Meeting (online)
Saturday 17 July 2021 at 10am: Guild Summer Social event
On Wednesday 10 March 2021 at 7pm we will be joined by Lucy Gwynne. Lucy is a physiotherapist who is going to introduce us to some physical exercises which will help us to re-build muscle strength required for ringing.
If you’d like to join us and have not received a Zoom link please email us.
Future dates…
Wednesday 10 March 2021 at 7pm: Lucy Gwynne: Exercises to support us back into ringing
Wednesday 17 March 2021 at 7pm: David Bagley: The History of Ringing Simulators
Wednesday 24 March 2021 at 7pm: Graham Firman: Rosie and Robbie – the ringing robots
Wednesday 31 March 2021 at 7pm: Mark Regan: The bells of Bow
FRIDAY 9 April 2021 at 7pm: Hayley Young and Michael Wilby: Beer tasting online!
Wednesday 14 April 2021 at 7pm: David Hull: Ringing and Music
Wednesday 21 April 2021 at 7pm: Tom Westley: Bell Casting
Wednesday 28 April 2021 at 7pm: Chris Pickford: The bellfoundries of Birmingham
Wednesday 5 May 2021 at 7pm: Rowena and Steve Shipley: Introducing the Handbell Ringers of Great Britain
Wednesday 12 May 2021 at 7pm: Arthur Reeves: ‘How can we be the best teachers for our students?’
Saturday 15 May 2021 at 10am: Guild Business Meeting (online)
Saturday 17 July 2021 at 10am: Guild Summer Social event
Following a successful series of articles in The Ringing World, Robert Wellen will focus on the ringing restrictions put in place during the Second World War, the many arguments at the centre of those restrictions and offering thoughts on what we can learn from the past in relation to our current circumstances.
Sign up before Tuesday evening (2 March 2021) by completing this simple Google form:
Future dates…
Wednesday 3 March 2021 at 7pm: Robert Wellen: War and Covid – a ‘long view’ of restrictions on ringing
Wednesday 10 March 2021 at 7pm: Lucy Gwynne: Exercises to support us back into ringing
Wednesday 17 March 2021 at 7pm: David Bagley: The History of Ringing Simulators
Wednesday 24 March 2021 at 7pm: Graham Firman: Rosie and Robbie – the ringing robots
Wednesday 31 March 2021 at 7pm: Mark Regan: The bells of Bow
FRIDAY 9 April 2021 at 7pm: Hayley Young and Michael Wilby: Beer tasting online!
Wednesday 14 April 2021 at 7pm: David Hull: Ringing and Music
Wednesday 21 April 2021 at 7pm: Tom Westley: Bell Casting
Wednesday 28 April 2021 at 7pm: Chris Pickford: The bellfoundries of Birmingham
Wednesday 5 May 2021 at 7pm: Rowena and Steve Shipley: Introducing the Handbell Ringers of Great Britain
Wednesday 12 May 2021 at 7pm: Arthur Reeves: ‘How can we be the best teachers for our students?’
Saturday 15 May 2021 at 10am: Guild Business Meeting (online)
Saturday 17 July 2021 at 10am: Guild Summer Social event
David Pipe will be delivering our next talk and he will introduce us to the concept of Magic Blocks. Magic Blocks are a creative way of splicing Minor methods without using traditional calls. 7pm on Wednesday 24 February 2021.
Sign up before Tuesday evening (23 February 2021) by completing this simple Google form:
The link for Wednesday’s talk will be sent out on Tuesday evening.
Future dates…
Wednesday 24 February 2021 at 7pm: David Pipe: Magic Blocks
Saturday 27 February 2021 at 8pm: Henry Johnson Commemoration Event online
Wednesday 3 March 2021 at 7pm: Robert Wellen: War and Covid – a ‘long view’ of restrictions on ringing
Wednesday 10 March 2021 at 7pm: Lucy Gwynne: Exercises to support us back into ringing
Wednesday 17 March 2021 at 7pm: David Bagley: The History of Ringing Simulators
Wednesday 24 March 2021 at 7pm: Graham Firman: Rosie and Robbie – the ringing robots
Wednesday 31 March 2021 at 7pm: Mark Regan: The bells of Bow
FRIDAY 9 April 2021 at 7pm: Hayley Young and Michael Wilby: Beer tasting online!
Wednesday 14 April 2021 at 7pm: David Hull: Ringing and Music
Wednesday 21 April 2021 at 7pm: Tom Westley: Bell Casting
Wednesday 28 April 2021 at 7pm: Chris Pickford: The bellfoundries of Birmingham
Wednesday 5 May 2021 at 7pm: Rowena and Steve Shipley: Introducing the Handbell Ringers of Great Britain
Wednesday 12 May 2021 at 7pm: Arthur Reeves: ‘How can we be the best teachers for our students?’
Saturday 15 May 2021 at 10am: Guild Business Meeting (online)
Saturday 17 July 2021 at 10am: Guild Summer Social event
While COVID has stopped all play on ringing association dinners across the country, some Guilds, including St Martin’s, have moved into virtual territory to preserve anniversaries.
The 133rd Henry Johnson Commemoration will therefore be celebrated with an event on Saturday 27 February 2021, through the magic of Zoom. This is the date as originally scheduled, so it should be in your
calendars already!
The online event will be much shorter than our usual celebration, with an 8pm start and lasting approximately 45 minutes, but it will be a blend of light entertainment, history and handbells, not to mention another opportunity to see friends, albeit in their little video boxes. The event will also serve as a marker for when we can hopefully hold the dinner ‘proper’ in 2022.
While we cannot have our dinner served in a grand location, we can offer the opportunity to share the same menu at home. Picking up on other similar events, please see an optional three course menu detailed in the programme below. Whilst we have not provided recipes, I think you will easily be able to find these, or similar, on the internet or in well-thumbed recipe books. In the case of the soups, I believe both options come in a can!
So whether you want to push the boat out with best bib and tucker and fine home dining, or you would rather be in your pyjamas with a tub of popcorn, we hope that you will join us for the commemorative occasion and the important toast to Henry Johnson.
To book please follow the link to the Eventbrite booking page.
Bon appétit!
Linda Garton will be delivering our next talk and she will be discussing the history of ladies peals. 7pm on Wednesday 10 February 2021.
Please do join us for what I’m confident will be a fascinating talk. Sign up before Tuesday evening by completing this simple Google form:
The link will be sent on Tuesday evening.
Future dates…
Wednesday 10 February 2021 at 7pm: Linda Garton: The story of ladies peals
Wednesday 17 February 2021 at 7pm: Guild Social Evening with Arthur Reeves and David Hull
Wednesday 24 February 2021 at 7pm: David Pipe: Magic Blocks
Saturday 27 February 2021 at 8pm: Henry Johnson Commemoration Event online
Wednesday 3 March 2021 at 7pm: Robert Wellen: War and Covid – a ‘long view’ of restrictions on ringing
Wednesday 10 March 2021 at 7pm: Lucy Gwynne: Exercises to support us back into ringing
Wednesday 17 March 2021 at 7pm: David Bagley: The History of Ringing Simulators
Wednesday 24 March 2021 at 7pm: Graham Firman: Rosie and Robbie – the ringing robots
Wednesday 31 March 2021 at 7pm: TBC
FRIDAY 9 April 2021 at 7pm: Beer tasting online!
Wednesday 14 April 2021 at 7pm: David Hull: Ringing and Music
Wednesday 21 April 2021 at 7pm: Tom Westley: Bell Casting
Wednesday 28 April 2021 at 7pm: Chris Pickford: The bellfoundries of Birmingham
Wednesday 5 May 2021 at 7pm: Rowena and Steve Shipley: Introducing the Handbell Ringers of Great Britain
Wednesday 12 May 2021 at 7pm: Arthur Reeves: ‘How can we be the best teachers for our students?’
Saturday 15 May 2021 at 10am: Guild Business Meeting (online)
Saturday 17 July 2021 at 10am: Guild Summer Social event
The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers (CCCBR) and the Association of Ringing Teachers (ART) are setting up a network of Recovery Champions/Co-ordinators (RCs). These will liaise with the CCCBR, other RCs, Guilds and Associations and ringers. AJB (AJ Barnfield) is the RC for the SMG. AJB writes:
In spite of being miserable and pessimistic I am very enthusiastic about ringing. I have had a number of very positive exchanges and discussions with a number or ringers in the SMG and surrounding area. I would love to have further discussions and exchanges.
In particular:
* How things were before pre-Covid
* How they are now.
* How they might look when we get going again
And in particular, I would love to be in touch with some ringers in the north of the SMG area.
Please contact me by email to discuss these issues further.
The primary motivation behind the work described in this talk relates to bell handling. When ringing bells generate large horizontal peak forces, and these forces set the bell tower into dynamic motion. The handling of bells depends upon the magnitude of the bell tower motion. A great deal of theoretical study has been undertaken into the forces generated by bells. There are text books that consider from a theoretical standpoint the dynamic motion of structures and buildings. Nevertheless, it is only by bringing these two matters together that a bell tower motion can be predicted when a bell (or bells) is being rung.
This talk describes testing that was recently undertaken at Wingrave Church. Dynamic testing was undertaken with a rotary shaker; this testing is the industry-standard approach to determining the dynamic structural characteristics of buildings and structures. At a peal-ringing speed, the theoretical horizontal forces of the 8 Bell (tenor) were combined with these dynamic characteristics to predict the response of the tower. This predicted tower response is compared with the actual measured response – the results and findings are presented in the talk.
The rotary shaker is a specialised piece of test equipment, and so a natural question is: can the bells themselves be used to determine the dynamic characteristics of a bell tower? Watch the talk for the unequivocal answer.
If you would like to attend, please complete this form to register by 8pm on Tuesday 2 February 2021:
Future dates…
Wednesday 3 February 2021 at 7pm: Gordon Breeze: Bell Tower Dynamic Motion. Joint talk with the Central Council.
Wednesday 10 February 2021 at 7pm: Linda Garton: The story of ladies’ peals
Wednesday 24 February 2021 at 7pm: David Pipe: Magic Blocks
Wednesday 3 March 2021 at 7pm: Robert Wellen: War and Covid – a ‘long view’ of restrictions on ringing
Wednesday 10 March 2021 at 7pm: Lucy Gwynne: Exercises to support us back into ringing
On TUESDAY 26 January 2021 Mark Davies will be joining us to explore the links between bellringing and maths.
Please note the change of day – and join us at 7pm. If you have not received a link to this Zoom talk but would like to attend, please email us.
Future dates…
Tuesday 26 January 2021 at 7pm (note change of day): Mark Davies: Bellringing and Maths
Wednesday 3 February 2021 at 7pm: Gordon Breeze: Bell Tower Dynamic Motion. Joint talk with the Central Council.
Wednesday 10 February 2021 at 7pm: Linda Garton: The story of ladies’ peals
On Wednesday 13 January 2021 Chris Pickford will be joining us to discuss the history of Taylors bellfoundry: the early years up to c.1880.
Please join us at 7pm. If you have not received a link to this Zoom talk but would like to attend, please email us.
Future dates…
Wednesday 20 January 2021 at 7pm: Chris Pickford: The bells of Taylors
Tuesday 26 January 2021 at 7pm (note change of day): Mark Davies: Bellringing and Maths
Wednesday 3 February 2021 at 7pm: Gordon Breeze: Bell Tower Dynamic Motion. Joint talk with the Central Council.
Wednesday 10 February 2021 at 7pm: Linda Garton: The story of ladies’ peals
The second issue of the Association of Ringing Teachers (ART) ‘Survival and Recovery Newsheet’ is out now. Its mission is to inform and share – find out how ringers are staying in contact with fellow ringers and maintaining their interest in ringing. The newsletter is a joint ART, CCCBR publication.
Survival_Recovery_Newsheet_Issue_2The latest edition of the Guild newsletter is now available, and can be downloaded from the Newsletters page or viewed online here:
Newsletter-35-Q4-2020On Wednesday 13 January 2021 Sue McClaughry will be discussing how she has led a very successful bell restoration project. Sue is the Bell Restoration Officer for the Truro DG and last year’s winner of the Westley Award – an annual award recognising the commitment individuals make in leading bell restoration projects.
Please join us at 7pm. This is a joint talk with the Central Council, so please register your interest on the below form by Tuesday evening
Register your interest here:
Wednesday 13 January 2021 at 7pm: Sue McClaughry: Managing ringing restoration projects (Sue is the recent winner of the Westley Award for Church Bell Maintenance 2020). Joint talk with the Central Council.
Wednesday 20 January 2021 at 7pm: Chris Pickford: The bells of Taylors
Tuesday 26 January 2021 at 7pm (note change of day): Mark Davies: Bellringing and Maths
Wednesday 3 February 2021 at 7pm: Gordon Breeze: [Title tbc]. Joint talk with the Central Council.
Wednesday 10 February 2021 at 7pm: Linda Garton: The story of ladies’ peals
Congratulations to Chris Mills on her election as a Life Vice President of the Guild, which was awarded at the AGM held on 9 January 2021.
Congratulations, Chris!
At the 2021 AGM, held on 9 January, the following officers were elected for the coming year:
Master: Clare McArdle
Secretary: Arthur Reeves
Ringing Master: Phil Ramsbottom
Treasurer: Tracy Stevens
Safeguarding Officer: Trish Everett
Archivist: Mark Eccleston
Public Relations Officer: Jonathan Townsend
Henry Johnson Dinner Secretary: Jenny Sunter
Independent Examiners: Steve Horton, Thomas Horton
General Fund Trustees: John Anderson, John Fielden
Bell Restoration Fund Trustees: Don Finnemore, Tony Daw
The 2021 AGM will be held via Zoom on Saturday 9 January 2021 at 10am. Papers for the 2021 AGM can be downloaded here:
On Wednesday 16 December 2020 Simon Linford will tell us the story of the record peal of Spliced Surprise Major: 100 methods all the work. He will discuss the development of the composition and methods, how the peal shaped the ringers’ techniques for learning methods, what techniques are used to assimilate so much information, and how they can be used by others. He’ll talk about the agony and ecstasy of extreme performances, and the challenges involved in organising them and ringing them.
Look forward to seeing many of you there! 7pm start time, as usual. Email us if you haven’t received a Zoom link for this talk.
Wednesday 16 December at 7pm. Simon Linford: Long length ringing: the story of 100 Spliced
Wednesday 6 January 2021 at 7pm: New Year Quiz – Guild Social
Wednesday 13 January 2021 at 7pm: Sue McClaughry: Managing ringing restoration projects (Sue is the recent winner of the Westley Award for Church Bell Maintenance 2020). Joint talk with the Central Council.
Wednesday 20 January 2021 at 7pm: Chris Pickford: The bells of Taylors
Tuesday 26 January 2021 at 7pm (note change of day): Mark Davies: Bellringing and Maths
Wednesday 3 February 2021 at 7pm: Gordon Breeze: [Title tbc]. Joint talk with the Central Council.
Wednesday 10 February 2021 at 7pm: Linda Garton: The story of ladies’ peals
On Wednesday 9 December we will be joined by Mark Bell and Haley Barnett, the Chair and Secretary of the National 12 Bell Contest committee. The ’12 Bell’ is one of the biggest ringing events of the year and, for many, a highlight of the ringing calendar. Mark and Haley have been instrumental in organising the contest in recent years and are ready to reveal all the behind the scenes secrets.
They are keen to hear your questions: please register by completing this form:
Any questions you have can be submitted by that form, if possible by Sunday evening please so Mark and Haley have time to prepare their responses.
We look forward to seeing many of you there. 7pm Wednesday 9 December.
Wednesday 9 December at 7pm. Haley Barnett and Mark Bell: The Secrets of the 12 Bell Contest
Wednesday 16 December at 7pm. Simon Linford: Long length ringing: the story of 100 Spliced
Wednesday 6 January 2021 at 7pm: New Year Quiz – Guild Social
Wednesday 13 January 2021 at 7pm: Sue McClaughry: Managing ringing restoration projects (Sue is the recent winner of the Westley Award for Church Bell Maintenance 2020). Joint talk with the Central Council.
Wednesday 20 January 2021 at 7pm: Chris Pickford: The bells of Taylors
Tuesday 26 January 2021 at 7pm (note change of day): Mark Davies: Bellringing and Maths
Wednesday 3 February 2021 at 7pm: Gordon Breeze: [Title tbc]. Joint talk with the Central Council.
Wednesday 10 February 2021 at 7pm: Linda Garton: The story of ladies’ peals
On Wednesday 2 December 2020 we will be joined by David Pipe, who will be uncovering the secrets of Treble Dodging Minor. David will discuss the opportunities beyond Kent, Oxford, Cambridge and even the ‘Standard 41’. Six bell methods are also especially well suited to those who are currently using online ringing platforms such as Ringing Room.
Please register your interest via this form before 8pm on Tuesday 1 December 2020. The zoom link will be issued on Tuesday evening:
Look forward to seeing many of you there! 7pm start time, as usual.
Wednesday 2 December at 7pm. David Pipe: Exploring Treble Dodging Minor
Wednesday 9 December at 7pm. Haley Barnet and Mark Bell: The Secrets of the 12 Bell Contest
Wednesday 16 December at 7pm. Simon Linford: Long length ringing: the story of 100 Spliced
Wednesday 6 January 2021 at 7pm: New Year Quiz – Guild Social
Wednesday 13 January 2021 at 7pm: Sue McClaughry: Managing ringing restoration projects (Sue is the recent winner of the Westley Award for Church Bell Maintenance 2020). Joint talk with the Central Council.
Wednesday 20 January 2021 at 7pm: Chris Pickford: The bells of Taylors
Tuesday 26 January 2021 at 7pm (note change of day): Mark Davies: Bellringing and Maths
Wednesday 3 February 2021 at 7pm: Gordon Breeze: [Title tbc]. Joint talk with the Central Council.
Wednesday 10 February 2021 at 7pm: Linda Garton: The story of ladies’ peals
Molly P Barron died on 21 November 2020.
Molly was a ringer at King’s Norton for many years and will be deeply missed in the parish. She was probably the last survivor of the band which learned to ring at Kings Norton in 1945.
On Wednesday 25 November at 7pm, Gareth Davies returns to speak to us about the role ringing has played in civic affairs – especially in elections around the West Midlands.
Wednesday 25 November at 7pm. Gareth Davies: Bellringing and elections in the West Midlands
Wednesday 2 December at 7pm. David Pipe: Exploring Treble Dodging Minor
Wednesday 9 December at 7pm. Haley Barnet and Mark Bell: The Secrets of the 12 Bell Contest
Wednesday 16 December at 7pm. Simon Linford: Long length ringing: the story of 100 Spliced
On Wednesday 18 November at 7pm we will be joined by Lesley Belcher and David Sparling who will discuss the Association of Ringing Teachers (ART) in relation to the future and post-pandemic ringing.
ART has been instrumental in developing teaching in recent years. The St Martin’s Guild and the Birmingham School of Ringing follow the curriculum of ART. Lesley and David will also be introducing their initial thoughts on how ART will be supporting the return to ringing.
Please sign up by 8pm on Tuesday 17 November:
Wednesday 18 November at 7pm. Lesley Belcher and David Sparling: Association of Ringing Teachers: their approach to a return to ringing
Wednesday 25 November at 7pm. Gareth Davies: Bellringing and elections in the West Midlands
Wednesday 2 December at 7pm. David Pipe: Exploring Treble Bob Minor
Wednesday 9 December at 7pm. Haley Barnet and Mark Bell: The Secrets of the 12 Bell Contest
On Wednesday 11 November at 7pm, Alan Regin will deliver a talk for Remembrance Day. Alan will focus on his work as Steward of the Rolls of Honour, giving us an opportune time of reflection for the ringers who have sacrificed their lives in war.
Wednesday 11 November at 7pm. Alan Regin: Ringing Remembers
Wednesday 18 November at 7pm. Lesley Belcher and David Sparling: Association of Ringing Teachers: their approach to a return to ringing
Wednesday 25 November at 7pm. Gareth Davies: Bellringing and elections in the West Midlands
Wednesday 2 December at 7pm. David Pipe: Exploring Treble Bob Minor
Wednesday 9 December at 7pm. Haley Barnet and Mark Bell: The Secrets of the 12 Bell Contest
On Wednesday 4 November at 7pm we are hosting the next of our joint talks with the Central Council. Dave Bassford and Ann White will be joining us to discuss safeguarding in our towers. This talk does require you to pre-register by filling in this simple form:
Wednesday 4 November at 7pm. Dave Bassford and Ann White: Safeguarding in our towers
Wednesday 11 November at 7pm. Alan Regin: Ringing Remembers
Wednesday 18 November at 7pm. Lesley Belcher and David Sparling: Association of Ringing Teachers: their approach to a return to ringing
Wednesday 25 November at 7pm. Gareth Davies: Bellringing and elections in the West Midlands
Wednesday 2 December at 7pm. David Pipe: Exploring Treble Bob Minor
Wednesday 9 December at 7pm. Haley Barnet and Mark Bell: The Secrets of the 12 Bell Contest
The latest statement from the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers (CCCBR) regarding ringing in areas under Tiers 2 and 3 restrictions can be found here. As with previous statements, the St Martin’s Guild Standing Committee strongly advises you to read and digest this information.
The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers (CCCBR) has issued a statement which specifically addresses the Tier 2 regulations those of us in the Birmingham area are now subject to. The St Martin’s Guild Standing Committee strongly advises you to read and digest this information. Our interpretation is that we should avoid meeting any other households (outside of support bubbles) indoors.
When one considers the letter, spirit and intention behind these regulations, it has clear implications for all indoor ringing activities. As the President of the CCCBR writes in the statement referred to above, we should show leadership by keeping people safe.
The latest edition of the Guild newsletter is now available, and can be downloaded from the Newsletters page or viewed online here:
Newsletter-34-Q3-2020On Wednesday 30 September at 7pm, Vicki Chapman will be joining us to discuss issues around Public Relations in ringing and in our towers.
If you’d like to join us, but haven’t yet received the Zoom login details, please email the Ringing Master.
Wednesday 7 October at 7pm. In Conversation with John Anderson (Part 2)
Wednesday 14 October at 7pm. Jon Bint: Devon Call Changes
Wednesday 21 October at 7pm. Richard Pullin: Birmingham composers and their entertaining rivalry
Wednesday 28 October at 7pm. John Loveless: ‘Shake my hand and I’ll show you the ropes’ – a biography of George Pipe
On Wednesday 23 September at 7pm, John Anderson will be joining us for a conversation reminiscing about the history of Birmingham ringers and ringing.
If you’d like to join us, but haven’t yet received the Zoom login details, please email the Ringing Master.
Wednesday 30 September at 7pm. Vicki Chapman: how can we improve Public Relations in ringing and in our towers?
Wednesday 7 October at 7pm. In Conversation with John Anderson (Part 2)
Wednesday 14 October at 7pm. Jon Bint: Devon Call Changes
Wednesday 21 October at 7pm. Richard Pullin: Birmingham composers and their entertaining rivalry
Wednesday 28 October at 7pm. John Loveless: ‘Shake my hand and I’ll show you the ropes’ – a biography of George Pipe
Future dates for your diaries:
Saturday 3 October (10am onwards)
Business Meeting combined with a social event. As we would normally have held some sort of challenge event alongside the Business Meeting, we are cooking up a plan for some alternative fun activity that we can carry out online.
Saturday 9 January 2021 Annual General Meeting (10am onwards)
At this stage we are assuming that this AGM may also need to take place online, although guidelines may change in the meantime.
We will send out further details of the agenda nearer the time as well as opportunities to send us any questions or issues to be raised at the meetings.
This session will be led by Chris Pickford.
Part 2 of John Warboys’ Introduction to Composing.
John has compiled a quiz, based on Part 1, which you can complete via this form. Be warned – it is tricky and certainly needs time and focus, but don’t let that put you off! John has also put together a PDF of his presentation and this, along with the recording of Part 1, can be found here.
Those signed up to the Guild mailing list will receive an email with Zoom Meeting IDs and passwords. If you have not received an email, and would like to attend, please contact the Guild Ringing Master.
Julia Cater will lead this session and is keen to emphasise that her talk is relevant to all, especially those of us who may not be familiar with ringing heavy bells or believe that we can’t do it.
David Smith will lead this session focusing on the methods St Clement’s and Double Oxford Minor.
Those signed up to the Guild mailing list will receive an email with Zoom Meeting IDs and passwords. If you have not received an email, and would like to attend, please contact the Guild Ringing Master.
The latest edition of the Guild newsletter is now available, and can be downloaded from the Newsletters page or viewed online here:
Newsletter-33-Q2-2020The training session scheduled for 7pm on Wednesday 8 July 2020 will be led by John Warboys. The talk has been specifically designed as an introduction to composition for all.
Those signed up to the Guild mailing list will receive an email with Zoom Meeting IDs and passwords. If you have not received an email, and would like to attend, please contact the Guild Ringing Master.
With the easing of lockdown and the possibility of handbell ringing, now is an excellent time to re-visit those skills. On Wednesday 1 July 2020, at 7pm, we’re delighted that Tina Stoecklin and Simon Gay will be presenting to the Guild. They recently published a book titled “Change-Ringing on Handbells: Volume 1: Basic Techniques”
Those signed up to the Guild mailing list will receive an email with Zoom Meeting IDs and passwords. If you have not received an email, and would like to attend, please contact the Guild Ringing Master.
Instead of the usual walking and ringing tour on Saturday 11 July 2020, we want to set you a challenge – to take the most interesting photos of your walks between now and what would have been our annual walking tour.
At 10am on Saturday 11 July 2020, we will showcase your photos and winners will be selected by our friendly panel of judges. There are three categories, with certificates awarded for winners in each category. Entries may be in colour or monochrome, and there will also be recognition for best overall monochrome photo. There will be an adult and child competition. So there is plenty of opportunity to win!
Judging panel: Michael, Vicky and Elizabeth Wilby and Gill and Richard Postill
Competition categories:
1) Best photo of a church
2) Funniest photo (can include selfies)
3) A landscape depicting English summertime
Zoom details:
10am, on Saturday 11 July 2020 for the competition showcase and Quiz led by Clare. Zoom login details have already been sent to those subscribed to the Guild mailing list, or can be obtained by emailing
Session, delivered by Alison Hodge, focusing on “What would Trip Adviser say about your tower?”. This looks to be a useful and engaging discussion. Please forward to anyone else you think may be interested, especially those with responsibilities for towers. You may wish to bring a pen and paper, as this session will be not recorded nor resources uploaded.
Saturday’s school session will be changing focus. Clare will be running Ringing Room with interested individuals. We will see how this goes and potentially look to expand in future weeks.
Those signed up to the Guild mailing list will receive an email with Zoom Meeting IDs and passwords. If you have not received an email, and would like to attend, please contact the Guild Ringing Master.
Our next two online training sessions will be of particular interest to Tower Captains, Steeple keepers and others with responsibility for their tower. Please share this with anyone you think may be interested.
Jonathan Townsend will lead us on considerations for tower safety, including thinking about when ringing may resume.
Wednesday: Alison Hodge will lead us on how Trip Advisor may rate and review our towers.
Those signed up to the Guild mailing list will receive an email with Zoom Meeting IDs and passwords. If you have not received an email, and would like to attend, please contact the Guild Ringing Master.
Mark will present a follow up to last week’s training, the session will begin by going through the answers to the below quiz. If you could try and complete it before Wednesday, it’ll give us a chance to see areas that people still need support on. We also know that going through answers to questions helps to consolidate our understanding.
All of the answers are available in David’s presentation/powerpoint from last week’s session. This is available on the Guild website under ‘Teaching and Resources’. The quiz link is here – good luck!
Jonathan will deliver a session on tower stewardship and considerations for bands moving forward from the current situation.
Those signed up to the Guild mailing list will receive an email with Zoom Meeting IDs and passwords. If you have not received an email, and would like to attend, please contact the Guild Ringing Master.
The Central Council have launched of a YouTube competition that will run from now until Christmas. Details can be found here where there is also a link to a YouTube video on how to make a YouTube ringing video!
Our virtual ‘Bake Off’ competition is a fundraising project that we’ve set up for Guild members, their families and friends.
Further details can be found on our ‘Justgiving’ page:
We hope that as many of you as possible will be able to get involved by baking, voting or just making a donation to the wonderful Solihull Marie Curie Hospice.
Although we are unable to host our 6 bell contest on the above date, we will instead hold a Business Meeting with results of a Bake Off Competition at the top of the meeting.
For your diaries, the meeting will take place from 3pm on Saturday 16 May 2020. An agenda will be sent out nearer the time. The meeting will take place on zoom. Anyone who would like to use this but needs help can contact the Guild Officers to learn how.
The latest edition of the Guild newsletter is now available, and can be downloaded from the Newsletters page or viewed online here: