We currently have over 250 members. Full members pay £10 per year. Over 65s and students in full-time education pay £5 concessionary rate per year. Associate membership fee is a one off payment of £10 (£5).
Why Join
The St Martin’s Guild (SMG) is a voluntary association of bellringers, centred on the wider Birmingham area, with the objectives of:
* Maintaining ringing for church services
* Practising, encouraging and advancing the art of change ringing
* Providing a fund to support belfry restoration and improvement projects within its area>
In a nutshell, the Guild is about working together and forging a collective identity for the region’s bell towers. In times of recruitment challenges and conflicting demands on individuals’ time, collaboration is more important than ever. Sharing our knowledge and expertise makes us collectively stronger, and creates new opportunities for exciting joint projects.
By subscribing you are supporting the work of the Guild. You will receive a certificate of membership, a Guild pin badge, a copy of the Guild’s most recent Yearbook, and you will be covered by the Guild’s Public Liability Insurance.
How to Join/Renew
New members can request to join the Guild via our Member Mojo webpage. Membership applications are then ratified at the next Guild Meeting. New members can find out more information by contacting the Guild Secretary. If an existing Guild member would like to nominate another ringer to membership of the Guild, then proposals can be made via the Guild Secretary. Existing members can also use Member Mojo to renew their annual subscription.
Classes of Membership
Full Members
Any bell ringer can become a Full Member, subject to submission of a completed application, agreement to pay the Annual Subscription on an ongoing basis, and ratification at the next Meeting.
Recognise the importance of the Guild’s purpose.
Encourage eligible ringers to become Full Members, and learners to become Associate Members.
Pay the Annual Subscription.
Rights and Privileges
Attend Meetings, take part in ringing activities and vote on the business of the Guild.
Be covered by the Guild’s insurances
Associate Members
Anyone who is learning to become a bell ringer can become an Associate Member, subject to completion of an application from a Full Member, and payment of the Associate Membership Fee.
Aspire to become a Full Member.
Pay the Associate Membership Fee.
Rights and Privileges
Attend Meetings, take part in ringing activities as appropriate, but not vote on the business of the Guild.
Be covered by the Guild’s insurances.
Life Members
Any Full Member can become a Life Member, subject to the submission of an application from two existing Full Members to the Secretary and approval at the next General Meeting. In making its decision the meeting shall take into consideration the length of membership or service of the prospective Life Member.
As for a Full Member with the exception of the requirement to pay an Annual Subscription.
Rights and Privileges
As for a Full Member.
Membership will renew on payment of Annual Subscription; otherwise membership will cease until such time as outstanding subscriptions are paid.