10.07.2021 | Doubles without dodges | Phil Ramsbottom |
03.07.2021 | Learn to ring methods using more than just the blue line | Andrew Brown |
26.06.2021 | Twin-hunt Triples methods (other than Grandsire) | David Smith |
15.05.2021 | Guild Online Training Day 2021 | Lucy Gwynne, Mike Keeble, Tracy Stevens, Mark Eccleston, Steve Horton, Andrew Brown, Janet Horton, Clare McArdle, James Ramsbottom, Jonathan Townsend, Michael Wilby, AJ Barnfield |
12.05.2021 | Thinking about teaching… | Arthur Reeves |
05.05.2021 | Introducing the Handbell Ringers of Great Britain (HRGB) | Rowena and Steve Shipley |
28.04.2021 | Brummagem Bells: Blews, Barwell and Carr | Chris Pickford |
21.04.2021 | Bell casting with Tom Westley | Tom Westley |
14.04.2021 | Change ringing and music | David Hull |
09.04.2020 | Beer Tasting | Hayley Young |
31.03.2021 | The Bells of St Mary-le-Bow | Mark Regan |
24.03.2021 | Rosie and Richie: the ringing robots | Graham Firman |
17.03.2021 | The History of Ringing Simulators | David Bagley |
13.03.2021 | Cambridge Surprise Minor: an introduction to the method | Phil Ramsbottom |
10.03.2021 | Exercises to support us back into ringing | Lucy Gwynne |
03.03.2021 | War and Covid: a ‘long view’ of restrictions on ringing | Robert Wellen |
24.02.2021 | Magic Blocks | David Pipe |
17.02.2021 | Quiz night | Arthur Reeves and David Hull |
13.02.2021 | Basic method theory and jargon | Phil Ramsbottom |
10.02.2021 | From Hats to Bikinis: the history of ladies’ peals | Linda Garton |
03.02.2021 | Bell Tower Dynamic Motion: Latest Research | Gordon Breeze |
26.01.2021 | Bellringing and Maths | Mark Davies |
20.01.2021 | John Taylor & Co a brief history: the origins and early years | Chris Pickford |
13.01.2021 | Managing Bell Restoration projects | Sue McClaughry |
06.01.2021 | Quiz night | David Hull |
16.12.2020 | Long length ringing: the story of 100 Spliced Surprise Major | Simon Linford |
09.12.2020 | The National 12 Bell Striking Contest | Haley Barnett and Mark Bell |
02.12.2020 | Treble Dodging Minor | David Pipe |
25.11.2020 | Bellringing and elections in the West Midlands | Gareth Davies |
18.11.2020 | ART and post-pandemic ringing | Lesley Belcher and David Sparling |
11.11.2020 | Ringing Remembers | Alan Regin |
04.11.2020 | Safeguarding in ringing | Dave Bassford and Ann White |
28.10.2020 | ‘Shake my hand and I’ll show you the ropes’: a biography of George Pipe | John Loveless |
21.10.2020 | Birmingham composers and their entertaining rivalry | Richard Pullin |
14.10.2020 | Exploring Devon Call Changes | Jon Bint |
07.10.2020 | In conversation with John Anderson (Part 2) | John Anderson |
30.09.2020 | How can we improve Public Relations in ringing and in our towers? | Vicki Chapman |
23.09.2020 | In conversation with John Anderson (Part 1) | John Anderson |
16.09.2020 | The Ringing Isle: an introduction to bells and bell ringing in Britain | Gareth Davies |
09.09.2020 | Questions to the Editor of 'The Ringing World' | Will Bosworth |
02.09.2020 | Exploring Cyclic Spliced Maximus | Alistair Cherry |
29.07.2020 | An introduction to composing (Part 2) | John Warboys |
22.07.2020 | A history of Birmingham’s bells | Chris Pickford |
18.07.2020 | What Minor methods do we ring next? | David Smith |
15.07.2020 | How to ring big bells… | Julia Cater |
08.07.2020 | An introduction to composing (Part 1) | John Warboys |
04.07.2020 | Questions to ponder… (Part 2) | David Smith |
01.07.2020 | Everything you need to know about handbell ringing (you can learn from Plain Bob Minor) | Tina Stoecklin and Simon Gay |
27.06.2020 | Questions to ponder… (Part 1) | David Smith |
20.06.2020 | Quiz night | David Hull |
17.06.2020 | What would others say about your tower? | Alison Hodge |
13.06.2020 | Tower Stewardship | Jonathan Townsend |
10.06.2020 | Understanding Stedman (Part 2) | Mark Eccleston |
06.06.2020 | From Plain Bob to Place Bells | David Smith |
03.06.2020 | Understanding Stedman (Part 1) | David Baverstock |
30.05.2020 | Understanding Call Changes | Clare McArdle |
27.05.2020 | Conducting Doubles methods | Steve Horton |
23.05.2020 | What is a change? | David Smith |
20.05.2020 | Question and Answers: panel discussion | David Baverstock, Alison Edmonds, Simon Linford, Stephanie Warboys (hosted by Arthur Reeves) |
16.05.2020 | Understanding the importance of passing the treble | Phil Ramsbottom |
13.05.2020 | An Introduction to Handbell Ringing | Simon Linford |
09.05.2020 | Walking through methods | Janet Horton |
06.05.2020 | Connections: or alternatively, if you can ring that, then try this… | Phil Ramsbottom |
02.05.2020 | Methodology and Tadhill Resources | Adam Knight-Markiegi and Clare McArdle |
29.04.2020 | What is a bob? | Simon Linford |
25.04.2020 | How to learn methods | Phil Ramsbottom |
22.04.2020 | An Introduction to Plain Bob Doubles | Mark Eccleston |
18.04.2020 | An Introduction to Place Notation | Janet Horton |
15.04.2020 | Coursing – what is it, and how do you use it? | Tony Daw |
11.04.2020 | Abel ringing simulator | Clare McArdle |
08.04.2020 | How does our memory work? | Arthur Reeves |
05.04.2020 | Simple touches of spliced: composing practice night touches | Simon Linford |
01.04.2020 | Quiz night | Arthur Reeves |