Books for sale

Details of books available to purchase from the Guild Treasurer. We can offer a 20% discount on all orders over £10. All prices include postage and packaging.

Please email for further information.

Come on! Listen to it!
(Book and DVD)

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Doubles or Quit

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Plain Bob Minor: a mine of information

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How to Learn Methods

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Raising and Lowering

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The Follow-On Book
(Sherbourne Teaching Aids)

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(14th edition)

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Teaching Tips
(Pip Penney)

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Teaching Unravelled
(Pip Penney)

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Will You Call A Touch Please, Bob
(Peter T Hurcombe)

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Judging Striking Competitions
(Simon Linford)

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Learning Methods
(Michael J de C Henshaw)

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Ringing Basics for Beginners
(John Couperthwaite)

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The Standard Eight Surprise Major Methods
(Peter T Hurcombe)