On Wednesday 14 October at 7pm, Jon Bint will be joining us to discuss and explore the art behind Devon Call Changes. Please join us for what will be a fascinating insight into this unique and wonderful approach to bellringing
If you’d like to join us, but haven’t yet received the Zoom login details, please email the Ringing Master.
Future dates…
Wednesday 14 October at 7pm. Jon Bint: Devon Call Changes
Wednesday 21 October at 7pm. Richard Pullin: Birmingham composers and their entertaining rivalry
Wednesday 28 October at 7pm. John Loveless: ‘Shake my hand and I’ll show you the ropes’ – a biography of George Pipe
Wednesday 4 November at 7pm. Dave Bassford and Ann White: Safeguarding in our towers
Wednesday 11 November at 7pm. Alan Regin: Ringing Remembers
Wednesday 18 November at 7pm. Lesley Belcher and David Sparling: Association of Ringing Teachers: their approach to a return to ringing
Wednesday 25 November at 7pm. Gareth Davies: Bellringing and elections in the West Midlands