A few weeks ago, I surveyed around 100 Guild members who had attended one or more HJ Dinners in the last 5 years. The survey was to gauge the appetite for a live or virtual event. I am pleased to announce that that the overwhelming response was a preference for a silver service dinner similar to previous events.
Thanks to the hard work of our Dinner Secretary, Jenny Sunter, we are on course to be able to hold the Henry Johnson Dinner (as planned for 2021) in 2022.
Saturday 26 February 2022
The 134th Henry Johnson Dinner
The Horton Suite
The Burlington Hotel, Birmingham
Joint Chair: Janet and Steve Horton
Please put the date in your diaries. Tickets will be on sale in the New Year. Your first opportunity to buy them will be at the AGM on Saturday 8 January 2022 at Moseley (another date for your diaries…).