Meet the Team

The St Martin’s Guild is led by a team comprising the Master, Secretary, Ringing Master and Treasurer. They are elected by the membership at each Annual General Meeting of the Guild; and they are supported by the other officers and officials.

Lists of past officers and officials can be viewed here.

Master: Eleanor Linford

The Master chairs all Meetings of the Guild, ensuring that decisions made by the Guild comply with statutory requirements and CCCBR Rules and Decisions.

Email the Master

I have been ringing at St Martin’s since we moved to Birmingham in 2006 and have become more involved with the band at Moseley since ringing has restarted post-pandemic. Helping at Birmingham School of Bellringing sessions as a parent of a student has led more recently to becoming a tutor. Ringing has been my main hobby for nearly 40 years and continues to stimulate and delight; being Guild Master is a huge honour with a long list of eminent predecessors to live up to.

Secretary: Sand Cooper

The Secretary’s duties include recording minutes of Meetings of the Guild; dealing with correspondence; and informing Members of the dates, venues and business of the Guild’s Meetings and other activities.

Email the Secretary

I was taught to ring at Solihull in the 1970s by a previous Master of the Guild, Tom Warner: it’s lovely to have this link to the past. I joined the Guild soon afterwards but moved away as a teenager. It was good to come back to my ringing home though some years later. I love teaching new ringers and get a real buzz as they gain confidence. Since I stopped working I have found time to challenge myself again and have rung at more towers and arranged ringing for myself through the ‘Three Events Challenge’.

Ringing Master: Rachel Thomas

The Ringing Master is responsible for organising ringing practices, quarter peals, peals, and other ringing events to further the purpose of the Guild.

Email the Ringing Master

I started ringing at Bootle, a challenging light eight near Liverpool in the late 90s. Being the daughter of two ringers meant I didn’t have much choice in the matter, though now I wouldn’t be without it. I have met my closest friends through the hobby and am lucky enough to ring with some of the most talented people in the country every week. It is a huge priviledge to be the ringing master of the St Martin’s Guild, and I hope to continue the hard work of the ringing masters that came before me!

Treasurer: Malcolm Paulson

The Treasurer keeps an account of the income and expenditure of the Guild; prepares an annual statement of the accounts; maintains the Guild’s insurances; and maintains a complete register of all Members of the Guild.

Email the Treaurer

I started ringing in 2011 when I was looking for a new hobby after realising that I was getting too old to play football. I was taught by the current St Martin’s Guild Secretary at Solihull and joined the Guild in 2012. I didn’t realise how much I’d get into ringing. I now love it almost as much as Sheffield Wednesday!