In June 2019, eight members of the Guild went to Shifnal (near Telford) to mark the 200th anniversary of the first peal of Stedman Triples by Birmingham ringers. Two 18th century peal boards at Shifnal include the names of Andrew Peake (formerly a leader of Birmingham ringing) and Samuel Lawrence. These boards were in poor repair, and linked to our commemoration of the 1819 peal, money towards their restoration was raised among Guild members and with a grant from Guild funds.
This conservation work, along with the repair of four other boards sponsored locally, has been completed by Annabelle Monaghan of Longden, Salop. The peal boards are beautiful pieces of ringing heritage and the Conservator’s report is available below.
Thanks are due to those who kindly responded to the fund-raising appeal.
Shifnal peal boards project: Conservator’s Treatment Report, September 2020 (PDF – 940KB)