The ‘Three Events Challenge’

The Three Events Challenge introduces new(ish) ringers to the benefits of arranging their
own ringing for either regular or occasional practices and events.

So how will it work? Basically, other than arranging three events, there are no rules. The
events can be a general ringing session, a focussed workshop, a quarter peal, a Saturday
afternoon outing or a combination of these. They can take place anywhere, at the home
tower or somewhere else; the same tower could be used for all three events or they might
be at different towers.

Though not essential, participants might like to appoint a mentor who can provide help,
advise and lend a guiding hand if needed. The mentor doesn’t need to attend any of the
arranged events, but it would be good to think that they might go to at least one. You may
already know someone who would be a good mentor but if not do get in touch with any
committee member who will be glad to help and point you in the right direction.

What to ring is entirely up to the individual, although it’s an excellent opportunity for
improving and developing your ringing abilities – you may already have something in mind,
or else this might be something you want to talk about with your mentor.

Events are intended to be for the participants own benefit, so when inviting other ringers
think about who else needs to be there and what sort of standard they need to be at so that
they can help and support you in meeting your objective. Again, your mentor will be able to

You might also want to think about who will run the events. There’s a need to find someone
who will help and support you to achieve your objectives, or it may be that you have an
objective for yourself around running the event.

To summarise, it’s a flexible scheme to encourage ringers to arrange their own ringing as a
way of helping them develop and consolidate their ringing skills. From personal experience I
know that there are more than enough willing Guild members who will gladly help and
support ringing events like these.

A record sheet has been designed to enable participants to keep a record of their activities
and as a reward for their efforts, a certificate of achievement will be awarded to those who
complete the challenge.

For further information, contact the Guild’s Standing Committee


Guidance notes (PDF – 81KB)
Record Sheet (PDF – 99KB)
Synopsis (PDF – 59KB)
Poster (PDF – 99KB)
Attendance register (PDF – 32KB)